This loan is the perfect option when you need money, but don’t want to touch your Credit Union savings. Avoid unnecessary share withdrawals, with a Transport Credit Union Save and Secure Loan.
By using your shares (savings) as security, you will benefit from a loan that is equal to or less than your Standard Shares balance, at our lowest rate of 3.9% APR (guaranteed rate).
As your secured loan balance reduces, you will have access to more and more of your shares balance. Your shares balance may also have increased during the loan term (depending on repayment terms) – it’s a win-win!
Why Choose Us for a Save and Secure Loan?
– Quick application process and turnaround – no credit check required.
– Goes towards building a good credit history.
– Share balance remains untouched and may even increase as you repay the loan, earning an improved dividend.
– No Hidden Fees – no set up fee or early repayment penalties.
– The low, guaranteed interest rate will not change; what you see advertised is what you get.
– Free Loan Protection – as with our other loans, the Save and Secure Loan is covered by our free loan protection benefit (up to a maximum balance of £20,000, Ts & Cs apply)
– Easy Application -Apply online or visit us in person—whichever is easier for you!
📞 Call us at 0141 221 7474
🌐 email us at
🏢 Visit us at 186 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G2 8HA
How to apply
If you would like to apply for a Save and Secure Loan, you can download a loan application form for printing here. If you are unable to print this off please call the office and we can post one to you. If you are local, you can always pop into our office and complete there and then.