An established member can apply for an emergency loan out-with normal policy and make a particular proposal to the Loans Department.
When your circumstances have unexpectedly changed and you require a loan before a standard top-up loan can be considered, the Loans Department can consider this type of loan at any time, provided that the appropriate section is completed and supporting paperwork is supplied.
In order to comply with responsible lending regulations, loans are not allowed to be guaranteed, applications are considered by the Loans Department. They may also refer to a Credit Referencing Agency during their decision making.
How to apply
If you would like to apply for an emergency loan, you can download a loan application form here. If you are unable to print this off please call the office and we can post one to you. If you are local, you can always pop into our office and complete there and then. If you would like any further information, please call us on 0141 221 7474.