If you do not currently have an outstanding loan with the Credit Union, you may withdraw from your shares at any point. You can now do this via the online area for members (you must register for online services first, top right hand side of the website) or you can complete a share withdrawal form and either email or post back to the office.
If received by us by 1:30pm, your withdrawal will normally be processed the same day for payment into your stated bank account within two working days. You can request a specific date if you wish to be paid later; we will try to accommodate this.
Our accounts are designed for saving; they are not like your current account with your bank. We want to encourage and support our members in building up savings in a sustainable way and as such, we recommend limiting yourself to around 6 withdrawals over a 12 month period.
If we feel your account isn’t running as it should, we may contact you to make sure everything is ok. We may discuss whether there is a more comfortable payment for you or if there is any other way we can assist.
Provided you don’t have an outstanding loan, you can change your payments to your account at any time. If you do have a loan and your payments are causing difficulty, please speak to us, our team are here to help.
Higher Dividend Account Withdrawals
For Gold Saver and Platinum accounts; members are able to make one no-notice withdrawal from each of these (without giving 30 or 60 days notice), over a 12 month period.
If further “no-notice” withdrawal requests are made from a higher dividend account, the account will be closed with shares automatically transferred to either Standard Shares Account or Easy Saver, with no future dividends due from the higher dividend account.
Please note that withdrawals from Higher Dividend Accounts are not available via online services.
Please complete the below withdrawal form and send to the credit union office via email or post.
Account closure
In order to close your account, you must have settled any outstanding loan balances owed to the Credit Union beforehand. Two forms are required in order for us to carry out the closure fully